Flaugh's Flaws
Flaugh's Flaws

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just another manic...weekend

Well I guess today has been a day of rest. Work this past week has been killer. Inventory is on Wed. and everyone is feeling the stress. Yesterday I got so upset I got into it with an assistant mgr. and clocked out and went home. (It was time for me to leave but he didnt know that, it was more the drama queen in me). So needless to say Wed. cant get here fast enough so everyone can take a sigh of relief and then we get 3 days off to relax. Well my little man is doing great. He's been a ball of energy all day long. He's refused to take a nap. I literally had to hold him still for 5 minutes so he'd fall asleep. He was so tired that if he sat still his head would start to droop, but he just wouldnt let sleep take him. Now that he had a little 45 minute nap he's being very cuddly. Whick I love. I guess I'm going to get off of here. I need to cook and give Tanner his sponge bath. (I hate that he cant have bath for 4 weeks). If I dont post for the next couple of days its because of inventory stress, and lack of sleep. So until whenever..... (if you look close at his hand you can see where he ripped out his IV)
Posted by Heather Noel :: 6:03 PM :: 3 Comments:

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Tanner's Surgery

Well we're home. Finally. We've been on the go since 730 this morning. First of all Tanner is fine. Great in fact. The surgery went well and the dr is hopeful it worked this time. (Keep your fingers crossed). Its always hard to take Tanner to the dr. he's old enough to know something is going on. Even after they gave him the "loopy juice" which is what I call the drug they give them to calm down. He still kinda fought sleep. But he did let the nurse take him. The hardest part for me is when they come get us after its done and to listen to what they say. I just want to see my baby. Tell me what happened later. Then when we see him, he has all these wires on him and he's crying. They sit us down and let me hold him. I never want to put him down. So after we're sitting with him they tell us he had a harder time waking up from the anethisia this time. Then the head anethisialogist came to talk to us and told us they put a tube in his throat during surgery, and when they removed it he stopped breathing...at this point I stop breathing. Hello, he's fine now why do you have to tell me this?! I didnt hear anything else after that. All that matters is he is fine and he is almost back to his old self. He has a catherder in until Monday. He has a beautiful bruise on his hand from where he yanked out the iv because he was mad. Well I'm off. He should be waking up soon, the pain meds knock him out for a little while.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 4:19 PM :: 3 Comments:

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tanner and general ranting

Well I will start off with my little man. Yesterday he had an appointment with the surgeon who did his surgery in Dec. because we noticed he wasnt peeing right. Well it turns out that the hole he pees out of has closed up a good bit. Causing some problems. They did and ultrasound on his bladder and said it is half full. He needs surgery. We were like okay. Then they said Friday. I was like huh? Next Friday? But no its tomorrow. He also threw in if his bladder had been more than half full then he would've had surgery last night. So tomorrow at 9am my little man has to go in again. I am nervous. We have a wonderful doctor. But just knowing that they have to put him to sleep causes much anxiety.

So as for the general ranting. I've been working on my blog again. I decided simple was better. I've previewed it. I started a new blog just for me to try new templates on...but when it shows up it just doesnt look like it did. Same with my Thursday Thirteen post. It gets all jumbled up when it shows, but on my test blog it looks perfect. I dont know. I guess I will try somemore later. But for now. I have to try and wake up my little man and see if I can get him to eat something. Because after midnight he cant have anything but clear liquids. So I'm off. Dont worry I will post tomorrow. Later ya'll

Posted by Heather Noel :: 8:30 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Thursday Thirteen

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 1. I am 29 2. I have been married to Mr. Wonderful for 2 years 3. We have a beautiful little boy who is one 4. I love to read 5. I love to take pictures and scrapbook 6. My favorite song is "What hurts the most" by Rascle Flatts 7. I spend too much time on the computer 8. I let work stress me out sometimes 9. My sister is my best friend 10. I love Captian Crunch cereal 11. Spending time with my husband and son is my favorite thing to do 12. Sleep is the next best thing 13. I'm still trying to firgure this thing out Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! This is my first Thursday Thirteen so its pretty basic. Hopefully next week it will be more exciting.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 5:34 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Monday, April 24, 2006

A whole lot of yard work

I know, I know, I said I would post some pics of the yard in progress. But I think I will wait until a little more is done. Scott and his parents worked their butts off this weekend. They got Bizkits pin built. The dug the yard up again and leveled it out again. They are coming back on Tuse to get the grass seed planted. So hopefully within the next few weeks our yard will look like a yard again and Tanner can go out and enjoy the sunshine. The weather has been wonderful here. Hot but nice. I say it now, but come the weekend when is 96 degrees, I will be begging for snow. LOL. Well thats about it for now. We're getting ready for inventory at work, a whole bunch of stress for one day. I cant wait for it to be over with. As for my little man, he has to go see the surgon again on Wed. for those of you who dont know in Dec. Tanner had surgery for hypspadis. See this entry..... well as of right now it kinda seems like it didnt work. We thought everything was fine, but thats because we havent actually seen him pee, since he wears a diaper. But a little while ago he got a bad diaper rash and we let him run free and needless to say it isnt doing what it should be. He's pedatrician checked him out and agreed we should have the surgon look again. ACK. Hopefully he doesnt need another surgery. BUT they did tell us is was possible. Well thats really it for now. Until later.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 7:18 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Babies, babies and more babies

How come everywhere I look lately I see babies?! OR women getting ready to have babies. I LOVE babies, and this past week I think I've come to realize I want another one. (Not anytime soon) but I do want another one. Some of you might remember that I couldnt decide at one point if I wanted or another one or if I could love another one as much as I love Tanner. I guess seeing all those cute babies this week...all the itty bitty ones has changed my mind. Now dont get your hopes up, it probably wont be for a couple of more years. But eventually there will be another Flaugh baby around the house.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 6:40 PM :: 3 Comments:

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Tanner and Scott playing

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Just a short video of my two guys playing outside...the loud laugh you hear is my mother in law. LOL.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 4:14 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Easter at our house this morning. As you can see he made a huge mess, and then decided to sit down and read his chicken little book that was in his bucket Then we went to his grandma's for more Easter stuff and an egg hunt, which he did pretty good at for his first try, and then came the fun....DYING EGGS..... So all in all we had a great day. And we had a great day yesterday. My parents came down for a visit, and got Tanner the bubble blowing lawn mower, which he is pushing all over the house. When we get him outside with it I promise there will be pictures. Well thats it for now. I hope everyone had a great Easter like we did.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 6:18 PM :: 1 Comments:

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Becks Poem to Tanner

Tanner... The dusk of the day, all sits and wait, to see the boy child make his way.They think of all the things, he will see and do in his life, all the good and bad, the joy and the strife.He will have hope, as he sets his sights, to fix all wrong in this world, full of fights.He will struggle to maintain the stress in his life,but on his journeys he will find the light.He will show us all the way,as he leads us on, into a new life, where all hate is gone.He will bring them joy, on this journey of new.a long course thats been way over-due.This young child with so many conquers ahead, has made his way into the world of sad, His life is planned, and he will live it all.Bringing happiness and peace unto us all.. Rebecca L Jennings Copyright ©2006 Rebecca L Jennings (Beck wrote this for Tanner right after he was born. I noticed she mentioned in on her blog so I decided to share it on mine)
Posted by Heather Noel :: 11:59 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Out for some fun in the sun...

We went to my in laws today and Toot played outside for awhile. He loved it. Its really the first time he's ever been out to play. He had a blast. Here are just some pics. I posted more on our Flickr account. I also took some videos of course. I will post that later. I had an early day from work, which is good and bad. I got to come home early thanks to my "aunt flo". I knew she was coming and I was prepared, but you know those moments we women dread about showing and not knowing...that was me today. And so far I dont think I've been more embarassed. Then to top it off I had to ask a male mgr if I could leave and tell him why....ACK. I turned about 3 differant shades of red. I know I know TOO MUCH INFO!! But most of my readers are woman. And if there are any men who read it....sorry. But like I said I got to start my weekend early. Which is cool so I can ready for my folks to get here in the am. Well I'm off. Later
Posted by Heather Noel :: 8:29 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tanner's sandbox

Well I bought Tanner a sandbox today. As you can see its sitting in the play area right now. And the blue sand I bought for it is sitting on the front porch. It probably wont make it outside until Sat. because tomorrow we are going to my in laws to decorate Easter eggs and have dinner. Along with the sand box and blue sand we also bought him a swing. Not a swing set just a swing. That will probably go up on Sat too. SO I will post some pics of him in it. Right now he is more interested in just sitting in it....
Posted by Heather Noel :: 6:54 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Monday, April 10, 2006

This is just a test....

What you are about to see is the cutest kid this side of town, so dont adjust your screen...remember this is just a test of a new video hosting site.

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Posted by Heather Noel :: 4:36 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Just a quick update

Just a quick update on the yard/neighbor situation. They've been working all day. They have filled in the holes on our property. The dirt has to be levaled and the dog house moved, but so far so good. Before they guy started work today he came over and asked Scott to show him where exactly the property line was so he knew where not to dig. So as things progress I will update. Later.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 6:19 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Saturday, April 08, 2006


Well I get home from work yesterday and the first thing I see is a pile of gravel in our neighbors yard. So of course I'm curious and ask Scott if he saw what was going on and he said some guy just dropped it and left. No big deal its way on their property. Well Scott leaves and at 20 minutes later I look outside to see this being delivered. And I start to panic. I was oh no they are going to fill this in now and we are going to have to go to court...thanks Beck for listening to me rant...so I email Scott at home to see if he can come home. Because if they finished feeling it in it would be...ugh. So he finally gets home and grabs the paperwork that shows all the property lines and goes next door. He was over there for 20 minutes at least and came home okay. He talked to the lady and said she was nice and told her she was on our land. He told her he didnt want to be the bad neighbor and she said that she really didnt realize that they had gone that far over the property line. And she promised it would be fixed. Because all the pipes they laid were wrong and they had to pull them up and redo them. Scott told her if she needed any help he'd be more than happy to help. She told them that when she bought the land she was told it already had the water lines, meters, and septic tank and it was ready to move in Well suprise thats not what she came into. She's a single mom with four kids and she has to save to do everything. That back hoe cost her $400 a day. And guess what? Its been storming all day long. So they havent got anything done. So needless to say I feel like a complete b@!*h for complaining about everything. But she did promise it would all be fixed. Okay just thought I would up date. Later ya'll
Posted by Heather Noel :: 4:38 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Its been a couple of days

So I guess I will start with this video of Tanner. I bought him the seseme street baby dvd on Tuesday. I put it while Scott and I cleaned the kitchen. A few minutes later we heard Tanner just a laughing and we look and he's laughing at the tv. So I ran to get the camera. I hope you can hear him the tv was kinda loud. Next...he had his 15month old check up yesterday. Complete with 2 shots and a hemoglobin test. He cried this time more than usual, but he was tired we ended up waiting like 2 and half hours because our Dr had to rush off for a csection. They did his Denver evaluation and he got 100. He's right where he is suppose to be for his age. He weighs 23 and half pounds (which I guessed dead on), he's 31 inches tall and his big ol' head is right where it should be. On the down side, his iron leavels are still low. Like 10.3 its up from last time but still really low. So we have another month of iron drops and another visit in a month. Other than that things are pretty much the same. Works been really busy we have inventory in 26days and its a pain to get ready for. Well I'm off to cook for Toot and give him a bath before my dinner is ready. Until later ya'll.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 5:58 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Monday, April 03, 2006


Well here is one picture of Mary & Jon right after they got married. They were married at Savanah Rapids. Its right on the river. It was really nice. The room they got married in you could see all the trees and the river. It was an awesome back drop for pictures and the wedding. They went all out for their wedding but it was so fun. Mary and Jon are just easy going, fun people to be around and their wedding showed that. There were little Jokes during the ceremony (of course they got married on April fools day) so I'm sure that had some thing do do with it. So I just want to say congrads you two, here's to many more years together.....AND NOW updates on my littlest man. Who is doing wonderful. He has 6 teeth coming in at last count poor little guy. But he hasnt been fussy or anything. He's been a little clingy but thats okay, because mommy loves to get the snuggles in. But of course it like 85 degrees here and my child is the human heater. So our snuggles come in spurts. He gets up mos of the time. He takes after his daddy. Okay, I'm off for now. Everyone let me know if I fixed the problem and you can read this. I really hope so because I dont want to loose almost a years worth of post. Well I'm off, for real this time. LOL
Posted by Heather Noel :: 4:19 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Yeah Tiff!!

So I got a comment from Tif about my blog layout wonder if the codes I used made the errors. And guess what she was right. So hopefully now it works right. I was able to preview it without being kicked off and my sister was able to see it without getting booted. So hopefully the problem is fixed.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 3:55 PM :: 3 Comments:

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

You're gonna be, by Reba McEntire

6lbs and 9oz. lookin' up at me Like I have all the answers I hope I have the ones you need I've never really done this, now I know what scared is Sometimes I'll protect you from everything that's wrong Other times I'll let you just find out on your own But that's when you'll be growin', And the whole time I'll be knowin CHORUS: You're gonna fly with every dream you chase You're gonna cry, but know that that's okay Sometimes life's not fair, but if you hang in there You're gonna see that sometimes bad is good We just have to believe things work out like they should Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me You're gonna be I'm afraid you'll have to suffer through some of my mistakes Lord knows I'll be trying to give you what it takes What it takes to know the difference Between getting by and livin' ‘Cause anything worth doing is worth doing all the way Just know you'll have to live with all the choices that you make So make sure you're always givin' way more than you're takin' REPEAT CHORUS Someone's everything You're gonna see Just what you are to me You're gonna fly with every dream you chase We just have to believe things work out like they should Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me You're gonna be Always loved by me~~~I dont think I've heard a song that says exactly how I feel about Tanner. I've never heard this Reba song before and I was crying by the end of the video. So I thought I would share the lyrics...

Posted by Heather Noel :: 11:20 AM :: 5 Comments:

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The Penny

Remember this every time you pass that little penny in the parking lot I always thought that it was for Good Luck, but I love this version better: I found a penny today Just laying on the ground. But it's not just a penny, this little coin I've found. Found pennies come from heaven, That's what my Grandpa told me. He said Angels toss them down. Oh, how I loved that story. He said when an Angel misses you, They toss a penny down. Sometimes just to cheer you up, To make a smile out of your frown. So, don't pass by that penny, When you're feeling blue. It may be a penny from heaven, that an Angel's tossed to you. (I've heard this too. Its a comforting thought that your loved ones might be thinking about you and letting you know in some little way)
Posted by Heather Noel :: 9:48 AM :: 1 Comments:

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