Name::Heather Noel From::Augusta, Georgia, United States
I am 29, almost 30. I have been married to the man of my dreams for almost 3 years. We have a two year old little boy who rocks our world. I started this blog so my friends and family around the U.S. could keep up with our little family and see how big our little man gets every day. View my complete profile
I should have wrote this yesterday. But we were kind of busy. I couldnt wait for the day Tanner could give "kisses". He's been doing it for awhile, if you say gimme kisses and pucker up he will give you a kiss. But yesterday, I took him into the bed room to wake Scott up and he did the normal crawl all over daddy routine, but then he went up to Scotts head and kissed him. It was the sweetest thing. It was one of those moments, when you go "Now why didnt I bring the camera in here with me?". So now he gives kisses without having to be asked. He's still kinda stingy with them but thats a good thing. He's got to save all those kisses for me. LOL.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
8:39 PM ::
Here are some pictures from our little party today. Yes I know they are all of Tanner and not so much the party. But hey he's much more photogenic. We had a good time. Got lots of nice stuff. I got a lot of scrapbooking stuff for me to work with. I love to scrapbook. Sometimes I want to take a vacation just so I can catch up with it. I fall behinde. I was all caught up. All my pictures were in books and now I have a whole box full again. So either I have to step and start again or stop taking so many pictures. (Like that will happen). Well I'm off. Just thought I would post some pics. Later ya'll
Posted by Heather Noel ::
10:20 PM ::
Well as usual my day was pretty uneventful. Until I got home. I got to spend sometime with Scott since I got off early. Then I talked to a friend on the phone, one I havent really talked to in like 8 years, I think. We talk online, but it was nice to talk to a voice. Then my sister and I went to Barnes and Noble and got me a couple of more Jodi Picoult books. Then we went to the mall where there was a guy doing these: So of course I couldnt resist. I also bought my husband and son quillos...I think I spelled that wrong. So we had a pretty good day. Tomorrow we're going to a family party we have every Feb. for all the birthdays. I will post pictures I'm sure we will take a ton. Until later everyone.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
10:26 PM ::
As you can see from the title my life has become routine. Which I love. Because its not a boring routine. I go to work, I come home, spend time with the baby and Scott. Go to bed and do it all over again. On the weekends my routine is broke, but hey I have to change it up once in awhile. So since my life is so boring right now I'm just going to put some picutres up. Later ya'll He's trying to do sumersaults now. 2 other friends have posted pictures of their cats and I wanted to be like them (LOL). Anywho, this is Mya. She is the queen around here as I'm sure you can tell. She took over my craft table.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
6:33 PM ::
Just wanted to congradulate Beck and Chris on their little bundle of joy. For all of you who were wondering she had the baby Monday like scheduled. She and the baby are fine. But thats all I'm saying, you will have to wait for her to get home for the rest of the story...but he sure is a cutie.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
5:03 AM ::
Not too much going on to talk about. Just work. And when I get done there all I want to do is be with Scott and Tanner. Today I was so worn out I took a nap. That rarely happens. Tomorrow we have a 4 hour meeting for the dept mgrs. I hope I can stay awake. 4 hours is a long time to listen to people talk. Or to watch videos. Other than that...oh yeah I'm waiting for the phone to ring so I know if Beck had her baby or not. I'm sure she has by now. If I ever find out...well I was going to say I'll let you know BUT you'll have to wait and hear it from her. Until later.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
10:06 PM ::
My sisters Keeper...if you want to read the book dont read this
This is for you by the middle of the book during the trial Anna tells everyone Kate (the sick sister) asked her not to give her the kidney. She didnt want it she was ready to die. Anna really did want to give her the kidney. So after alot of soul searching for the whole family, the judge gave Anna medical emancipation. So the family goes to the hostpital to see Kate and Anna stays behinde to sign the nessisary papers, then her lawyer takes her to the hostpital. There is a terrible car accident, and Anna dies...yes the little sister dies. So her dad who is a fire fighter is called to the scene only to find out it is his daughter. When her mom meets them in the ER they tell them that Anna is brain dead and ask if the want her to be organ doner. So the lawyer (who the judge gave power of atternory of Anna to) steps in and says there is a girl upstairs who needs her in the end it didnt matter, because Kate got the kidney anyway, as one last gift. Then it skips to the year 2010 where you find out that Kate is still in remission from the cancer which the drs claim is a mirical that even with the transplant she shouldnt have made it that long. But she says "One of us was suppose to die, Anna just took my place" and even though she got on with her life, she never got over the guilt she had a semi happy ending. I guess you would call it bitter sweet. SO there you go. But I do suggest to every one to go read it, it was an awesome book. Later yall.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
10:00 PM ::
So if some words are spelled wrong forgive me, I still have tears in my eyes. I just finished reading My Sisters Keeper, and I was bawling. It didnt turn out the way I thought. But I guess the moral of the story is no matter if you go to court, or what you do, there is really on One person to make the final decisions about life. God....
Posted by Heather Noel ::
11:09 AM ::
So how far would you go to save your child? To the end of the world and back again right? No questions asked. Lets take it a step further, what if you found out your child has cancer. What if their best chance for survival is a sibling donor? What if you don't have one? Do you have a baby in hopes that it will be the perfect match? Then the Dr tells you they can test your embryos for the perfect genetic match do you do it? Then when your baby is born and the procedures begin, how do you treat that baby? Is your concern still your first born or for both of them? As a parent can you do this in good conscience? By saving one you cause on physical and mental pain...So what do you do. What happens when that child becomes older and starts to ask questions, do you give them the choice? Okay, now I know everyone is probably wonder where I got this? I've been reading My Sister's Keeperby Jodi Piclout. And this is the basic plot of the story. Anna was born to keep Kate alive. And now that she is 13 she's questioning her existence. Is she only there to keep Kate alive? Is that the only reason they love her? I'm just about half way through it and my heart aches for this character. The anguish she must feel not wanting to go through with the kidney transplant for her sister. How fair is it to that kind of responsibility on a child. To know if she says no, her best friend and sister will die....So I ask how far would you go? I will post my opinion with the comments. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
6:28 PM ::
SO my little on has a stomach bug. Which there is nothing the dr can do. She said to keep him hydrated. Which we do. His fever finally broke around noon today. Thank goodness. But he still has diahera, and his poor little bottom is so red. Nothing I put on it is working. And I cant let him run without the diaper until he gets over this bug. Poor baby. He got invited to a party a chuck e cheese today. So since he didnt get to go last time I took him this time. He was feeling better. But I dont think he had much fun... here are some pics. I think he's still kinda young for this. Maybe later in the year we will try again. Later.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
8:03 PM ::
Well as you know Friday was my birthday (thanks for all the bday wishes). In all honsety as far as birthdays go it sucked. I had to work, Tanner woke up with a fever of 103, and did I mention I had to work?! BUT before I went to work I checked my email and I had the most beautiful letter from my husband waiting on me. It made the fact that I had to go to work barable. I really have a wonderful husband. He also bought me the 2 movies I have been wanting. Just Like Heavenand the Skeleton Key. So I guess we will be watching those Tuse when he is off. Then yesterday my parents and sister came down and we went to the mall, and to Barnes and Noble where I got 2 books by Jodi Picoult. She is my favorite author. She wrote The Pact(which is my favorite book). Then we went out to dinner at the Olive Garden (yummy). All in all it was a great day. I was so tired because Tanner is sick. I havent had much sleep but it was okay. I got to spend the day with my family and my husband. I have to take little man to the Dr at 300 this afternoon. I love our Pediatricains. Open 7 days a week. Any who. I think I'm going to cook some breakfast and take a shower. I will update when I get home from the Dr office. Later ya'll.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
9:58 AM ::
Do you ever get scatterbrained? You know that I have a million things to talk about but when it comes time to actually do it you have nothing to say? Or find it hard to put into words? Well welcome to my Scatterbrained blog entry. It may not make a lot of sence but hey... Lets see where do I start? Tanner had his last follow up appt. from his sugery yesterday. All is well. He even gained a pound. Yea!! The Dr. said he needs to come back in one year to make sure that everything is still going good, but he doesnt forsee any problems. I havent posted in the past couple of day because Scott was off and I like to spend time with him. And now he's at work and I wont see him again until 400 tomorrow afternoon. And tomorrow is my birthday so that just sucks. (she says as she pouts). Um.....I went out to dinner with Beck and her kids tonight, its good to go out with a girlfriend once in awhile, I cant remember the last time I went out with a girl...that might have been with Beck too. Tanner was a trip. It was so one of the times that I wished I had my video camera with me. He is too funny sometimes. He was standing up in the highchair just a talking and squeling. I was so sure someone was going to complain, but no one did. My parents are coming down this weekend. And my sister is going to stay with us for a few weeks. Which is cool because I've missed her. So has Tanner. She thinks I lie to her about how he pounds on her door here. Today he crawled up on her bed and just started crying. For no reason. Poor baby. He's teething again so he doenst feel good. Speaking of my sister, I'm sure you've seen on the side of my blog, I made a place called "Kris' quote of the day" I dont know if you've ever visited her site, but my sister post the most awesome quotes so I decided to post them on here too, BUT go to her siteand check them out. I dont know where she gets them. I love them though. She ends every entry with a new one. Okay well I think I'm going to go now. I did want to post about this book I just finished but I think I will wait until tomorrow. Until later ya'll
Posted by Heather Noel ::
9:05 PM ::
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
5:06 PM ::
So, how'd everyone like the SuperBowl. It was an awesome game. We were on the floor yelling and hooting and hollaring like we didnt have any sence. LOL. Which we dont. There really hasnt been too much going on this way. Just work. Scott's schedule was changed again. YUCK. He now works 530pm-200am. There is good and bad with that. Tanner doesnt have to go to the sitters anymore. Because I get off at 3. I also get to see Scott before he goes to work. Just a downer that I will be in bed before he gets home. But hey, you've got to roll with the punches right. Our little monster is eating better. He still doesnt like much meat. Just hotdogs. But he loves bananas and french toast. Thats something new. We're slowly trying new things and reintroducing old things. We will see how it goes. I know I said I would post pictures of Scott's tattoo, but he started his own blog and he posted a picture on it. SO I wont still his thunder. Stop by and check it out. Leave him a comment. He's new to the blogging world. Well thats it for me. Until later ya'll
Posted by Heather Noel ::
5:22 PM ::
So this is what we did today. Scott got one too, but he wont let me take a pic of it yet. Mine is still bleeding a little, thats why it looks blotchy. But in a few days it will look better. I wanted to get one of a fairy, I didnt think I would find one I could put Tanners name on and it not be too girly. Anyways...I like and Scott likes it and we're the only two that count. I was taken picture of him playing on the papazon chair because he was having so much fun, but it turned out really dark and this is about as good as I could get it. Anyways I'm off. Not much to report. Until later yall
Posted by Heather Noel ::
6:46 PM ::
Have fun!
1. What time is it? 6:59pm
2. NAME: Here lately its Mamamama.....but adults call me Heather
3. Piercings: 2
4. What is the most recent movie you saw: Underworld 2
5. Color of your eyes? blue
6. Place of birth: fayetteville, n.c.
7. Favorite Food? Italian
8. Ever been to Africa: No
9. Ever been toilet papering: Yes, and it is lots of fun
10. Love someone so much it made you cry: Yes
11. Been in a car accident: YES
12 Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits
13. Favorite month? Dec
14. Favorite Restaurant: Applebees
15. Favorite Flower: sunflower
16. Favorite sport to watch: UFC
17. Favorite Drink: Dr.Pepper
18. Favorite ice cream: Choclate Chip Cookie dough
19. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
20. Favorite fast food restaurant? wendy's
21. What color is your bedroom: Grey, white, & Black
22. How many times you failed your driver's test? none
23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-
mail? Cindy
24. What do you do most often when you are bored? Never a dull moment with a one year old
26. Bedtime: Preferred bedtime: When Scott gets home...midnight
27. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? ?????
28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Not Sure
29. Who are you the most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Everyone
30. Favorite TV shows? Ghost whisperer, House, Medium and yes I watch American idol
31. Last person you went to dinner with? Scott, Tanner and my in laws
32. Ford or Chevy: Chevy
33. What are you listening to right now? Tanner whining...he's sleepy
34. What is your favorite color: Blue
35. How many tattoos do you have? 7
36. How many pets do you have? 1 dog and 1 cat
37. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Only God knows
38. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? ?
I get these all the time, so instead of emailing them out to everyone I just decided to post it on here. Hope you learned something about me you didnt already know.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
6:58 PM ::
Thats an understatement. We got our taxes done. Finally. Ate dinner with the in laws yesterday. Took them out to dinner today since they do so much for us. When we go home in May to NC we'll have to take my folks out. After dinner Scott, his mom and I headed to the mall to see if we could find Toot some shoes. Why is it so hard to find little boy shoes? Why do people think only girls need cute shoes??? Then the only place we could find white sneakers for babies was Foot Locker...any body care to guess how much they want for a pair of sneakers no bigger than my hand? 38.00. You can call me cheap, BUT I am not spending that much money on shoes he will out grow in a month. There is no way. After searching and going to two differant Pay less, we finally got him a white pair and a black pair and I think we spent 16 bucks. SO if he grows out of them tomorrow I'm fine with that. Other than that, running around and locking myself out of the house everything is great. NO major drama in our lives, thank goodness. I cant wait for the weekend so I can relax a little. While I'm at work I feel like I';m going 110mph, then to come home to Toot, I never slow down. Those of you who have more than one kid, more power to you. I dont know how you do it. Well I'm off to bed. Got to get up bright and early to start the day. Later ya'll.
Posted by Heather Noel ::
10:18 PM ::