Name::Heather Noel From::Augusta, Georgia, United States
I am 29, almost 30. I have been married to the man of my dreams for almost 3 years. We have a two year old little boy who rocks our world. I started this blog so my friends and family around the U.S. could keep up with our little family and see how big our little man gets every day. View my complete profile
I hope everyone knows it National Breast Cancer Awareness Month!! If you dont you do now. I saw these cute little ducks on RockStarMommys blog and I figured this would be my reminder for the month. Its on my sidebar. So if you come here often...considered yourself reminded to check your boobs. Tell your sisters, your mothers, friends, and daughters. And dont forget your husbands. Yes men can get breast cancer too. My father had a scare a few months back and had to have a male mastectomy. It happens. So tell everyone. And once you've finished telling everyone, go check your own. I will post no one forgets. Hopefully we're all doing this every month and not just this take the few minutes. Be safe and be aware. Love to you all!!!!