Flaugh's Flaws
Flaugh's Flaws

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Yes we're back!!

Thank god. I know it bad, but I was going with no way to get on to my blog. And not being able to read my blog roll. OMG. I was going crazy wondering what was going on in everyone else's life. Mine has become more hetic. I know have 6 classes, after fighting to get into Medical Law and Ethics, and Pshycology. I think I may have bitten off a bit much. I get into Pshyc, and we're told that we have to read a book dealing with pshycology, and do a 4 page report on it, and then we have to write a paper on Child abuse, Spousal abuse, or elder abuse. 5 pages long and its an oral report. I already know that it going to be a hard paper for me to write. But this is now 3 papers due within 2 weeks of each other. I'm still working on my Down Syndrome paper, I will finish it this weekend if its that only thing I do. Then in Medical Law and Ethics I saw on our syllabus 4 essays...great!! I guess I will be doing a lot of writing, and its going to be hard, my sister is going to be going home in 10 days and trying to write and run after a 2 year old. Yeah, lots of fun. I hope everyone is doing good, hope the week's been good to you. Oh yeah, p.s. We just won fandango tickets off of blingo. How cool is that. (Please excuse the spelling mistakes, I was really lazy with spell check)


Posted by Heather Noel :: 8:19 PM :: 3 Comments:

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