Flaugh's Flaws
Flaugh's Flaws

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

And so it continued...

Yes, around 4am my little man woke up screaming in pain. Again. He fell back asleep around 5, which is when I have to get up for work. Since he was asleep I decided to go. Scott calls me around 8 to tell me he had another episode. So I call the dr, and we're told to come in. When I get home, my little man is still asleep. Scott said he had pretty much been asleep all day. Poor guy. So we go to the doc, and she checks him again, and she said it was in the back of her mind about the twisted bowel. But she still didnt think he had that, because in the Dr's office he was happy and playing. She said she really didnt want to put him through any procedure that he didnt need. (Thank God). She did tell us that she had done some research on the medicine he is taking, and she showed up the side effects, guess what? My child has everyone. No joke. So she talked to us a little more and told us not to give him anymore medicine and when he goes back on Friday we'll see how he did. Let's just say as soon as we left the doctor, he was wiped out. We stopped by and visited Beck at work, and he was just "blah". On the way home he had a crying spell, and around 5 he had another one. I know its going to take a little while for the medicine to get out of his system, but it just sucks having to wait it out. I also ended up taking a week off work. I hate calling in, so I just decdied to use my vacation. As of right now, he's doing okay. His sitting on my lap, because he's still clingy. But he's pretty happy. We've played a little and rested alot. So heres hoping the next 2 days go by without much more incidents.
Posted by Heather Noel :: 8:30 PM :: 0 Comments:

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